Monday, August 6, 2012

Blog Flash 2012, August 6: Reading

I don't read. I have, I will, but I don't.

I have time to read or write. I choose to write.

I love to read. I have a BA in literature. I'm a binge reader. Once read 4000 pages in a month. Once read a 400 page book from 10pm to 4am .

On my Goodreads shelf, you'll find 11 books. Three I wrote. Four I read in one month last year. Nothing I read before April 2011.

I don't TBR.

I won't exchange reviews with you. You want me to tell your book it doesn't look fat in those pants.

I do read at least a dozen books a week to my toddler.


  1. Hi, a very different take on reading although I think your image of a burning book is tantamount to blasphemy! Lol.
    Interesting post - the more I read it the more I liked it!


  2. Lovely that you're encouraging a love of reading in your toddler! I always think it's so lovely to see children enjoying books!

  3. Burning a book? Tut-tut :) By the way, what's TBR?
    - andrea

    1. It's not a real book, though I did get some reactions, eh?

      TBR is To Be Read. I've seen people put hundreds and thousands of things they'll never even buy on their TBR lists just because it catches their eye for a second.. I've seen authors encourage each other to put each other's books on their TBRs so it looks like people want to read them.

  4. I read a ton to my kids too, sometimes at the expense of my own reading time. So worth it though to see my preschooler sitting among her books "reading" them to her toys :-)
